Welcome to "22 Twain's House"
The only fanlisting for Neil Simon's "Murder by Death" listed at the Fanlistings Network in the Movies category.
Miss Jessica Marbles? Dick and Dora Charleston? Milo Perrier? Inspector Sidney Wang? Sam Diamond? Do any of these names ring a bell? Probably because you a) watched this movie already, b) read about this movie or c) think of Miss Jane Marple, Nick and Nora Charles and so on.
One movie to spoof them all! Murder by death is a hillarious parody, where you won't find a bit of sense, but many laughters when the famous detective spoofs and their sidekicks are analyzing away through clues, candied sugar cobwebs and dead naked butlers.
All fans of this fantastic murder mystery spoof are welcome to join.
This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 37 members from 14 countries with 0 waiting for approval.
About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 8th July 2005 by Michele. Who let me adopt the listing on the 18th October 2005.
The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.

24th January 2023
Re-added the buttons manually and made sure everything is working again.